With regard to premenstrual syndrome, all of the following statements are true except:

It is a research diagnosis in DSM-IV

Symptoms occur in the luteal phase

Symptoms remit for at least 1 week in the follicular phase

The diagnosis is less stable over 48 months

To be of clinical significance the symptoms should be of at least moderate intensity and cause severe functional impairment (APT 2007)

Which of the following statements about antidepressant discontinuation is true?

Discontinuation symptoms are dependent on the underlying psychiatric disorder

Discontinuation symptoms are not associated with mirtazapine

It was first reported following the discontinuation of amitryptyline

The mean duration of discontinuation syndrome is 2 weeks

The onset of symptoms more than 1 week after discontinuation is unusual (APT 2007)

2Regarding the treatment of mania, the following statements are all true except:

Antipsychotics are the most commonly used drugs for patients hospitalised with mania

Blockade of α1 and H1 receptors is hypothesised to contribute to the antimanic property of antipsychotics

The NNT for olanzapine in the treatment of mania is 4

Olanzapine acts faster in patients with non-psychotic mania than does valproate

Olanzapine treatment predisposes to depression more than treatment with haloperidol during a phase of mania (APT 2008)

Which of the following statements about dangerous and severe personality disorder is true?

According to the Department of Health definition, the risk presented should be functionally linked to personality disorder

An admission to the DSPD unit requires one or more DSMIV personality-disorder diagnoses

Antisocial personality disorder is the second most common diagnosis among juvenile prisoners

The minimum assessment required for admission to the DSPD unit does not require assessment on the International Personality Disorders Questionnaire

Risk Matrix 2000 focuses on non-sexual offending (APT 2007)

3Regarding the behavioural activation approach for depression, all of the following statements are true except:

Behavioural activation is not about scheduling satisfying or pleasant events

Behavioural activation uses the functional analysis of cognitive processes that involve avoidance

Developmental formulation in behavioural activation shifts the emphasis away from its social context

There is no significant difference between activity scheduling and activity scheduling with cognitive challenges

There is no significant difference in 2-year outcomes between activity scheduling and activity scheduling with cognitive challenges to core beliefs and assumptions (APT 2008)

Which of the following statements is true regarding behavioural activation for depression?

Goals should always include returning to normal work as soon as possible

Learning theory is an alternative model to that of behavioural activation

The number of sessions for treating depression is between 8 and 12

Secondary coping behaviours are targeted when the individual is aware of precipitating factors

The Valued Living Questionnaire offers prompts for values for the patient to decide on a Likert scale (APT 2008)

4All of the following are approaches complementary to behavioural activation except:

Acceptance and commitment therapy

Compassionate mind training

Family therapy

Exercise and healthy eating

Existential therapy (APT 2008)

Which of these statements about the epidemiology of paranoia is true?

Delusions of reference are the second most common type of delusions

Less than 1% of the non-clinical population have delusions of a level of severity comparable to that of clinical psychosis

Odder, less plausible paranoid thoughts build on commoner, more plausible ones

Persecutory delusions are found in post-traumatic stress disorder but not in epilepsy

The rate of delusional beliefs in the general population is greater than that of psychosis (APT 2006)

Which of the following statements about the cognitive behaviour analysis system of psychotherapy (CBASP) is true?

An interpersonal discrimination exercise is a conclusion that a patient draws with the assistance of the therapist about a significant other in the patient’s life

It was developed as a treatment for acute reactive depression

Its key mechanism of change includes disciplined social involvement

It uses its main therapy technique of situational analysis to ameliorate psychopathology during treatment sessions

Its theoretical premise is that arrested maturational development is the aetiological basis of depression (APT 2007)

5In CBASP, the therapist’s personal involvement in the patient’s problems to demonstrate for the patient that behaviour has consequences is part of which of the following?

Contingent personal responsivity

Disciplined personal involvement

Hot spot

Interpersonal discriminatory exercise

‘Significant other’ history (APT 2007)

Which of the following statements about CBASP is true?

Contingent personal responsivity provides an opportunity to direct the patient’s attention to the impact of the therapist’s behaviour on the patient

The Coping Survey Questionnaire is a type of Likert scale

One way of analysing stimulus value is by using the Impact Message Inventory

Situational analysis has three stages

There is no significant difference between CBASP combined with drug therapy and drug therapy alone (APT 2007)

Which of the following statements about conversion disorder is true?

According to DSM-IV criteria, conversion disorder is characterised by the involvement of psychological factors

DSM-IV categorises conversion disorder and somatoform disorders separately

Symptoms are common in children aged younger than 8 years

Symptoms are most common in young males

Around 10% of the patients admitted to general medical services have had conversion symptoms at some time in their life (APT 2009)

6The Zurich criteria for hypomania include all of the following except:

The absence of a past history of mania

At least 3 of the 7 symptoms of hypomania according to DSM-IV

Euphoria, irritability or over-activity

Experience of negative consequences of hypomanic periods

Hypomanic symptoms with a duration of at least 1 day (APT 2006)

Indicators of bipolarity in apparently unipolar depression include all of the following except:

Antidepressant-induced mania or hypomania

Early onset of depression

Multiple family members with major depression

Postpartum illness

Psychotic features after the age of 35 years (APT 2006)

Regarding the use of IQ tests in the diagnosis of early schizophrenia, all of the following statements are true except:

The average decline in IQ in samples with first-episode illness is generally less than that in groups with chronic schizophrenia

In cases of suspected schizophrenia, a decline of 15 or more points indicates the presence of the disease

National Adult Reading Test (NART) underestimates IQ decline in patients with schizophrenia

People with schizophrenia on average have a lower IQ than the general population

People with schizophrenia on average have a lower IQ than patients with bipolar disorder (APT 2008)

7The therapeutic aims of long-term supportive psychotherapy in psychosis include all of the following except:

Establishing a therapeutic alliance

Holding and containing

Promoting awareness of transference issues

Promoting stability

Providing rehabilitation pathways (APT 2008)

Which of the following is the therapeutic technique of long-term supportive psychotherapy?

Cognitive reattribution


Dynamic formulation

Environmental interventions

Relaxation training (APT 2008)

Which of the following statements about narcolepsy is true?

Automatic behaviour is rare in patients with narcolepsy

High concentrations of orexin A have been found in the CSF of patients with narcolepsy

Overnight polysomnography reveals the presence of sleep-onset REM

The prevalence of narcolepsy in the general population is 2.5%

Sleep paralysis is seen in 75% of patients with narcolepsy (APT 2006)

8Which of the following statements about sleep disorders is true?

All episodes of behavioural disorder are associated with atonia in REM sleep disorder

Clonazepam is contraindicated in patients with poor sleep in Guillain–Barré syndrome

Episodes of behavioural disorder occur during the first third of sleep

Individuals with non-REM sleep disorder act out their dreams

Methylphenidate worsens cataleptic attacks (APT 2006)

All of the following statements about paranoid personality disorder are true except:

Comorbidity with other personality disorders reaches up to 50%

High levels of delinquency in teenagers have been associated with paranoid features

Its prevalence in community samples is 1.3%

Its prevalence among psychiatric outpatients is up to 10%

Around 10% of people with paranoid personality disorder suffer from panic disorder (APT 2009)

With regard to the psychological processes in paranoid personality disorder, all of the following statements are true except:

Attributional bias is a defence against low self-esteem

Low levels of rumination are associated with aggression

Paranoid thinking is associated with externalising personal attributional bias

Paranoid thinking is associated with deficits in theory of mind

Reciprocal determinism is a characteristic feature of the disorder (APT 2009)

9All of the following are elements of the psychoanalytic theory of depression except:

Ambivalence predisposes people to depression after object loss

An excessively severe ego influences chronicity of depression

Early feeding and affective bonding experiences are of particular importance in vulnerability to depression

Somatic symptoms of depression arise from inhibited feelings of arousal

The triangle of conflict includes feelings of anxiety and defence (APT 2009)

All of the following statements about spirituality are true except:

Mental health professionals’ attitudes towards spiritual care tend to be negative

One of the areas of questioning recommended in the Spirituality and Mental Health leaflet from the Royal College of Psychiatrists is in regard to remedies

Opinion polls indicate that although there has been a decline in religious beliefs, spirituality remains strong

Psychiatric patients associate outcomes involving improved capacity for problem solving with spiritual care

Within the literature, 20% of the studies identify spiritual or religious beliefs as being beneficial (APT 2007)

10Which of the following statements about steroids is true?

Anabolic steroids are prescription-only drugs

Anabolic steroids are controlled drugs under class D

Their circulating level of testosterone is typically 5% of that in males

In a survey of college students in the UK, current steroid use or use during the previous year was 5%

Around 10% of GPs treat patients who have engaged in steroid misuse (APT 2006)

Which of the following statements about the characteristics of steroids is true?

Oxymetholone causes little liver toxicity

Methenolone acetate causes severe water retention

Nandrolone causes dose-dependent hypertension

Stanozolol is injectable

Testosterone enantate is long acting (APT 2006)

Which of the following matches is accurate with regard to drugs taken along with anabolic steroids?

Clenbuterol – worsens asthma

Cytomel – synthetic T3

Human growth hormone – high risk of hypoglycaemia

Insulin-like growth factor – cardiomegaly

Tamoxifen – oestrogen agonist (APT 2006)

11All of the following statements about steroids and mental illness are true except:

Depression is associated with withdrawing from steroids

During steroid use, people score lower on schizoid personality traits

The risk of developing psychotic symptoms may be related to high-dose testosterone

Self-reported aggression may be the only sign of steroid misuse

Steroid users have been shown to have a higher prevalence of cluster B personality traits (APT 2006)

Which of the following statements about the NICE guidelines for bipolar disorder is true?

The annual cost of bipolar disorder in the UK is around £20 million

Carbamazepine should not be used for the treatment of acute mania

Paroxetine is the drug of choice for treating severe depression in pregnant women with bipolar disorder

The incidence of bipolar disorder decreases from mid to late life

The use of the Mood Disorder Questionnaire is advisable ( www.nice.org.uk )

12All of the following are NICE recommendations for the use of antidepressants in bipolar disorder except:

Anyone under the age of 30 years should be reviewed within 1 week for suicidal ideation

If the patient does not respond to three adequate trials of antidepressants, you should consider referral to a clinician with special interest

Lamotrigine can be used routinely to treat depressive episodes in bipolar type 1 disorder

Venlafaxine is less associated with discontinuation symptoms than are SSRIs

When the symptoms have been less severe for at least 8 weeks, the discontinuing of antidepressants should be considered ( www.nice.org.uk )

Which of the following statements about the epidemiology of schizophrenia is true?

Around 80% of people with schizophrenia have persistent problems with social functioning

Around 60% of patients with schizophrenia are likely to relapse within 5 years of a treated first episode

The best predictor of a long-term prognosis is poor functioning in the first 2 years post diagnosis

Mortality among people with schizophrenia is 30% higher than that of the general population

Young women from diverse ethnic backgrounds are at a higher risk of suicide (KS)

13Which of the following statements about schizophrenia patients’ physical health is true?

GPs are better than psychiatrists at recognising and treating physical health-related problems in people with schizophrenia

GPs are as likely to screen individuals with schizophrenia for cardiovascular risk as they are to screen those with asthma

Group intervention for smoking cessation has no significant impact on morbidity

Patients with schizophrenia are less likely to attend screening for cardiovascular disorders than other people

People with schizophrenia apparently do not have raised rates of lung cancer ( www.nice.org.uk )

Which of the following statements about the management of schizophrenia is true?

Around 10% of schizophrenia patients receiving first-generation antipsychotics develop tardive dyskinesia

Fewer than 10% of service users are managed solely in primary care

Raised serum prolactin levels from antipsychotics lead to reduced bone density

Services for schizophrenia account for 40% of NHS spending on mental health

Up to 25% of schizophrenia patients have a poor response to conventional antipsychotics ( www.nice.org.uk )

Which of the following cranial nerves leaves the brainstem through the middle cerebellar peduncle?






14The cranial nerve that arises between pyramids and olives is:






The descending tract of the trigeminal nerve forms:

The fasciculus cuneatus

The fasciculus gracilis

The tuberculum cinereum

The tuberculum gracilis

The tuberculum cuneatus (TN)

Which of the following does the trigeminal ganglion occupy?

The diaphragm sella

The falx cerebri

The falx cerebelli

Meckel’s cave

The tentorium cerebella (TN)

All of the following are correct with regard to the composition of cerebrospinal fluid except:

Calcium concentration is 1.0–1.4 mmol/L

Magnesium concentration is 0.8–1.3 mmol/L

pH is 7.3

Potassium concentration is 2.0–2.8 mmol/L

Protein – almost none (TN)

15All of the following statements about the corticospinal tract are true except:

Fibres terminating in the ventral motor horn of the spinal cord are involved in muscle contraction

Fibres that do not decussate form the anterior corticospinal tract

It passes through the posterior limb of the internal capsule near its genu

It passes through the posterior half of the posterior limb of the internal capsule

It passes through the upper third of the crux cerebri (TN)

Which of the following statements about the corticobulbar tract is correct?

The corticonuclear tract descends posterior to the corticospinal tract

The corticonuclear tract projects fibres bilaterally to the lower motor neuron of the facial nucleus that innervates muscles in the lower half of the face

Its fibres terminate not only in target cranial nerve motor nuclei but also in the sensory relay nuclei

The inferior colliculus relays corticonuclear fibres

The lower motor neuron that innervates the genioglossus muscle receives bilateral corticonuclear projections (TN)

Mr Bainbridge presents with an inability to coordinate hand movements bilaterally, with no evidence of paralysis. At what level is his lesion?

Corticospinal tract at the level of corona radiata

Corticospinal tract at the level of crus cerebri

Premotor cortex

Primary motor cortex

Supplementary motor area (TN)

16Neostriatum is made of caudate and which of the following?

Globus pallidus

Nucleus accumbens

Subthalamic nucleus

Ventral pallidum

Ventral tegmental area (TN)

Corticostriate fibres that terminate in the putamen use which of the following?





Arginine-vasopressin (TN)

Which of the following is the only cranial nerve to send central processes of some of its first-order neurons to synapse directly in the cerebellum?






The carotid sinus reflex would be lost in a lesion involving which of the following?

The inferior ganglion of glossopharyngeal nerve

The jugular ganglion of vagus nerve

The otic ganglion of glossopharyngeal nerve

The superior ganglion of glossopharyngeal nerve

The superior ganglion of vagus nerve (TN)

17Which of the following is the nucleus involved in phonation?


Dorsal motor nucleus of vagus



Spinal nucleus of trigeminal (TN)

In which of the following are the cell bodies of rods and cones present?

Ganglion cell layer

Inner nuclear layer

Outer nuclear layer

Optic nerve fibre layer

Rod and cone layer (TN)

Which of the following statements about the optic pathway is true?

The axons of the optic nerve become myelinated once they pierce the lamina cribrosa

The optic chiasma sends fibres to the hypothalamus

The secondary visual cortex involves the middle temporal area

The sublenticular portion of the geniculocalcarine tract goes up to the cuneate gyrus

The first-order neurons are pseudounipolar (TN)

18All of the following statements about the primary somatosensory cortex are true except:

The area within the central sulcus receives input from muscle receptors

It includes the dorsal part of the paracentral lobule

The primary auditory cortex includes the transverse temporal gyri of Heschl

The primary visual cortex receives input from the macula of retina in its rostral portions

A solitary nucleus transmits taste sensation to the postcentral gyrus through the ventroposteromedial nucleus of the thalamus (TN)

All of the following statements about the cortex are true except:

Broca’s area consists of supramarginal gyrus

The dorsolateral prefrontal cortex functions in working memory

The secondary auditory cortical areas are connected with Wernicke’s area

The somaesthetic association area is located in the superior parietal lobule

Tertiary visual areas include the middle temporal area of the cortex (TN)

Mr Bainbridge presents with cortical blindness. This is due to an infarction involving which of the following?

The anterior cerebral artery

The anterior communicating artery

The basilar artery

The middle cerebral artery

The posterior communicating artery (TN)

19Mr Bainbridge presents with a deviation of both his eyes to the right side. This is due to a lesion involving which of the following?

The left frontal eye field

The left primary visual area

The right frontal eye field

The right primary visual area

The right visual association area (TN)

Mr Bainbridge presents with difficulty in processing what he hears and formulating a response. However, he can comprehend what he hears, and his language expression is fluent. At which level is the lesion?

The arcuate fasciculus

Broca’s area

The primary auditory cortex

The transcortical global

Wernicke’s area (TN)

Which of the following statements about pain sensation is true?

The activation of large myelinated mechanoreceptor afferents can reduce some forms of pain

The anterior nucleus of the hypothalamus is involved in the pathways for discriminating aspects of somaesthesia

Burning sensations are thought to be carried by small myelinated Aδ fibres

The electrical stimulation of the raphe nucleus produces profound hyperaesthesia

The spinal-cord neurons that relay pain sensation are located in the deep laminae of the dorsal grey matter (SBN)

20Which of the following statements is true?

Clasp knife reflex is mediated by interneurons which are connected to 1a fibres

The GABA-secreting interneurons of basal ganglia are colocalised with somatostatin

Group 1b afferent axons have excitatory connections with the motor neurons that cause muscle to contract

The intrinsic neurons of the cerebellum exclude excitatory granule cells

The motor neurons in the spinal cord form the final common path for all motor activity (SBN)

Which of the following statements about visual pathways is true?

Layers 1, 4 and 6 of the lateral geniculate nucleus receive input from the ipsilateral temporal retina

A small portion of nasal hemiretina that receives monocular vision is called a nasal crescent

The superior colliculus is responsible for directing each fovea to its target

A unilateral lesion of the frontal cortex results in the inability to direct a gaze laterally in either direction

The vestibular nuclei send information to the cranial nuclei of the second nerve (SBN)

21Which of the following statements about vestibular reflexes is incorrect?

Compensatory eye movement has two phases

Defects associated with the fast phase are related to reticular formation

Four vestibular nuclei are located in the medulla

The inferior vestibular nucleus plays the key role in reflex control of head position

The lateral vestibular nucleus receives inhibitory input from the cerebellum (SBN)

Which of the following statements about reticular formation is true?

Colliculi are involved in orienting the head towards the direction of startle stimuli

EEG changes are independent of the effects of the thalamic nuclei on the cerebral cortex

The startle response is independent of reticular formation

Stimulation of the nucleus raphe magnus produces hyperaesthesia

Stimulation of the reticular formation leads to the extinction of aversive behaviour (SBN)

Which of the following forms of apraxia accompanies Broca’s aphasia?




Limb kinetic

Oral (CA)

22Mr Bainbridge presents with an inability to carry out motor tasks to command, but performs the same tasks spontaneously. At which of the following is the lesion?

The basal ganglion

The inferior frontal region

The left frontotemporal area

The left parietal lobe

The right posterior parietal area (CA)

Mr Bainbridge presents with an inability to name or describe visually presented items. Which of the following does the lesion involve?

The bilateral posterior occipitoparietal region

The bilateral temporoparietal region

The left anterior temporal lobe

The left medial occipital region

The occipitotemporal area (CA)

All of the following statements about Balint’s syndrome are true except:

It involves a lesion of angular gyrus

There is an inability to reach for visual targets

There is an inability to point at visual targets

Simultagnosia is a feature

Symptoms include an inability to direct voluntary eye movements to visual targets (CA)

23Mr Bainbridge presents with impairment in retrieval of colour information. This is which of the following?


Apperceptive visual agnosia

Colour agnosia


Simultagnosia (CA)

Which of the following do phakomatoses include?

Arteriovenous malformations

Fragile X syndrome

Heterotopia of grey matter


Tuberous sclerosis (SBN)

Based on a presentation of hypertelorism, high arched palate, absent patellae, congenital heart disease and agenesis of corpus callosum, which of the following is the correct chromosomal abnormality?

5p deletion

8 mosaic

9p trisomy

22 trisomy


24Based on a presentation of infantile hypotonia, learning disability, short stature, small hands and feet, hypoplastic genitalia, hyperphagia and obesity, which of the following is the correct chromosomal abnormality?

5p deletion

15 deletion

18p deletion

21 trisomy


Which of the following is the atresia of foramen of Luschka and Magendie associated with hydrocephalus?

An Arnold–Chiari malformation

An Aicardi malformation

A Dandy–Walker malformation

Bourneville’s disease

Von Hippel–Lindau disease (SBN)

In which of the following are tuber-like astrocytic lesions seen?

Bourneville’s disease

The De Lange malformation

Encephalofacial angiomatosis

Sturge–Weber syndrome

Von Recklinghausen’s syndrome (SBN)

25Which of the following is the commonest form of primitive neuroectodermal tumour?





Microglioma (SBN)

All of the following statements about cranial tumours are true except:

Anterior falx meningiomas may present with the frontal lobe syndrome

Limbic encephalitis can be a non-metastatic complication of systemic malignant disease

Malignant tumours are more common in the anterior pituitary than in the posterior pituitary

Meningiomas commonly originate from the arachnoid cells of leptomeninges

Metastases are usually from carcinomas of the lung (SBN)

Which of the following elements is associated with cerebellar damage, damage to primary sensory areas, and neurasthenic syndrome?





Mercury (SBN)

26Which of the following is damaged by MPTP?

Nucleus basalis of Meynert

Locus coeruleus

Mamillary body

Raphe nucleus

Substantia nigra (SBN)

Deficiency of which of these vitamins causes subacute combined degeneration of the spinal cord?





Thiamine (SBN)

All of the following statements about neuropeptide Y(NPY) are true except:

It is not synthesised in the cell bodies of the paraventricular nucleus

It controls luteinising hormones, releasing the hormone in the absence of oestrogen priming

It controls the thyrotropin-releasing hormone

It is co-localised with catecholamines in neurons that originate from the brainstem

It is not co-localised with catecholamines in neurons that originate from the arcuate nucleus (SBN)

27All of the following stimulate feeding except:


Growth-hormone-releasing factor


Neuropeptide Y

Neurotensin (SBN)

Which of the following inhibits feeding?



Growth-hormone-releasing factor

Neuropeptide Y

Noradrenaline through α2-receptors (SBN)

All of the following stimulate the release of arginine vasopressin except:

Atrial peptides

Decreased plasma osmolality



Stress (SBN)

Which of the following is the hypothalamic nucleus involved in the control of gonadotrophin-releasing hormone?

The arcuate nucleus

The paraventricular nucleus

The periventricular nucleus

The preoptic area

The supraoptic nucleus (SBN)

28All of the following statements about the genetics of autism are true except:

The candidate gene for autism is the 5HT transporter gene

The concordance rate among MZ twins has ranged from 36% to 90%

A LOD score of 2.53 is reported in a region on chromosome 7q

The relative increased risk to siblings of those with classic autism is between 10 and 20

Tuberous sclerosis occurs in less than 5% of those with autism (PG)

Which of the following is true with regard to the genetics of childhood schizophrenia?

An association with abnormality of D3 receptor locus has been reported for adult- but not childhood-onset schizophrenia

The concordance rate among MZ twins is lower than that of adult-onset schizophrenia

Chromosome 1p22 has been implicated

The rate of deletion of chromosome 22q11 is lower than that seen in adult schizophrenia

The rate of non-affective psychosis among relatives of childhood schizophrenics with premorbid speech and language impairment is lower than that in the adult population with schizophrenia (PG)

29Which of the following statements about the genetics of ADHD is true?

The DAT2 gene has been implicated in ADHD

The DRD4 7 allele confers susceptibility with an estimated odds ratio of between 2.5 and 3.0

Family studies have shown that ADHD and conduct disorders are co-transmitted among families

The relative risk of ADHD among first-degree relatives is greater among probands with ADHD that persists into adult life than among probands with ADHD that is comorbid with conduct disorder

First-degree relatives have a relative risk of between 2 and 3 (PG)

All of the following statements about the genetics of personality disorders are true except:

An increased rate of schizophrenia has been found among first-degree relatives of probands with schizotypal disorder

An increased rate of schizotypal personality disorder has been found among the relatives of patients with schizophrenia

Studies have generally reported negative results for borderline personality disorder among first-degree relatives of patients with depression

Studies have reported a higher rate of Briquet syndrome among the female relatives of males with antisocial personality disorder

Studies have reported that lying has more genetic heritability than truancy, which shows a stronger influence from shared environmental effects (PG)

30Which of the following statements about the genetics of bipolar disorder is true?

Bipolar disorder type 2 is found with less frequency in the families of bipolar type 1 probands than in the general population

The MZ concordance for narrowly defined bipolar disorder is 30%

The number of affected relatives is a marker for familial disorder, but a vulnerability to puerperal triggering of episodes is not

Pre-pubertal depression has a distinct genetic aetiology

There is an estimated risk of 7% for bipolar disorder type 1 among first-degree relatives of cases with the same disorder (PG)

All of the following statements about adrenergic receptors are true except:

β2-receptors are presynaptic inhibitory autoreceptors

cAMP is reduced by α2-receptors

cAMP-mediated phosphorylation of N-type Ca2+ channels reduces noradrenaline release

GO second messenger, coupled to α1-receptor, reduces gK

Gs is the second messenger system involved in β-receptors (N)

Which of the following is true with regard to serotonin?

Choroid plexus lacks serotonergic innervation

Ecstasy increases the release of serotonin

The oxidative decarboxylation of serotonin by MAO yields 5-HIAA

Serotonergic cells are important for learning about aversive situations

Serotonin synthesis is independent of the firing frequency of neurons (N)

31At which of the following serotonin receptors is ketanserin an antagonist?





3 (N)

Ondansetron increases IP3 levels by acting at which of the following serotonergic receptor subtypes?





7d (N)

Sumatriptan is an agonist at which of the following serotonergic receptors?





3 (N)

Which of the following enzymes is used in the polymerase chain reaction?

DNA trinucleotidase

Restriction endonuclease

Reverse transcriptase

RNA polymerase

Taq polymerase (PG)

32A micro-array is called which of the following?

A DNA chip

A polymerase chain reaction

A primer extension

A restriction fragment length polymorphism

A short tandem repeat polymorphism (PG)

By which of the following methods can mRNA be assayed?

Central blotting

Eastern blotting

Northern blotting

Southern blotting

Western blotting (PG)

By which of the following methods can DNA be assayed?

Central blotting

Eastern blotting

Northern blotting

Southern blotting

Western blotting (PG)

Which of the following is Mendel’s law?

Dependent assortment

Incomplete penetrance



Variable expressivity (PG)

33Which of the following genes has been implicated in determining precortical volume decline in people with schizophrenia?





PRODH (BJP 2006)

Which of the following genes has been implicated in learning and memory in the disease model of schizophrenia?





PRODH (BJP 2006)

Which of the following genes interacts with LIS1 to cause lissencephaly?





PRODH (BJP 2006)

Which of the following genes is associated with mitochondrial and microtubule function?





PRODH (BJP 2006)

34All of the following statements about cognitive impairment in bipolar disorder are true except:

Cognitive impairment in bipolar disorder remits during phases of euthymia

Medium-term lithium treatment does not impair explicit memory

The occurrence of psychotic symptoms is related to poor performance on cognitive tasks

One predictor of a poor prognosis in bipolar type 2 disorder is poor performance on executive-function tasks

Working memory is impaired in bipolar disorder (BJP 2006)

Which of the following statements about hysteria is true?

Hoover’s sign of paralysis has poor reliability for differentiating conversion from organic disorder

La belle indifference is not a diagnostic criterion

La belle indifference is an important discriminant between organic and conversion disorders

La belle indifference is linked to left-hemisphere pathology

The midline splitting of sensory loss has good reliability for distinguishing conversion disorder from organic disorder (BJP 2006)

35Which of the following statements about insight and cognition is true?

The analysis of different insight scales reveals a differential association with cognitive performance

Impaired insight is not associated with the severity of the pathology

Impaired insight is not associated with prefrontal dysfunction

Impaired insight is significantly correlated with neurocognitive performance

The relationship between IQ and insight is stronger than the relationship between insight and WCST scores (BJP 2006)

Which of the following statements about memory impairment in schizophrenia is true?

A minority of community-based patients have memory deficits

The Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test has 8 items

A significant inverse correlation exists between age and memory scores

A significant correlation exists between a positive scale of PANSS and memory scores

A significant correlation exists between type of antipsychotic and memory scores (BJP 2006)

36Which of the following statements about clozapine is true?

Carbamazepine is safe, as it does not increase the possibility of neutropenia

Clozapine must be stopped immediately if the white cell count falls below 5 × 109

Clozapine must be stopped immediately if the neutrophil count falls below 3 × 109

Infection can be a precipitant of neutropenia in patients who are challenged with clozapine

Patients who develop neutropenia should not be rechallenged with clozapine (BJP 2006)

All of the following statements about panic disorder are true except:

In acute-phase treatment, combined treatment is superior to antidepressant treatment

Beyond its acute phase, combined treatment is superior to antidepressant treatment

Beyond its acute phase, combined treatment is superior to psychotherapy

The evidence for cognitive–behavioural therapy is most conclusive

Pharmacotherapy is associated with significant relapse rates even when patients are maintained on adequate doses of antidepressants (BJP 2006)

An MRS study of patients with Alzheimer’s disease found their inositol levels to be increased. In which of the following is this change seen?





Temporal (KS)

37All of the following statements about fMRI are true except:

fMRI shows that the neural circuit for lexical categories involves the left anterior temporal lobe

fMRI shows that the area activated upon listening to speech is also activated during auditory hallucinations in people with schizophrenia

fMRI shows that patients with dyslexia show a failure to activate Wernicke’s area

It gives specific information about neuronal metabolism

It works on the principle of detecting the levels of oxygenation in blood (KS)

All of the following statements about adult ADHD are true except:

About 65% of those with ADHD fulfil the criteria for partial remission at the age of 25 years

ADHD symptoms are continuously distributed throughout the population

ADHD symptoms show an age-dependent decline

Adults with ADHD respond to stimulants

Longitudinal studies show that ADHD and antisocial behaviour start simultaneously (BJP 2007)

All of the following statements about the treatment and outcomes of eating disorders among adolescents are true except:

High expressed emotion is associated with poor outcomes

Inpatient treatment predicts poor outcomes

Only about 50% of adolescents adhere to inpatient treatment

There is RCT evidence for family treatment for anorexia in adolescents

Those receiving lengthy inpatient treatment that results in their regaining normal weight continue to maintain their weight at 1-year follow-up (BJP 2007)

38All of the following statements about depression and MI are true except:

An ENRICHD study showed that the improvement in depression observed at 6 months following CBT was sustained at 30 months

Post-MI depression is associated with a 2- to 2.5-fold increase in mortality

Sertraline is a safe drug to use in post-MI patients

The somatic symptoms of depression are associated with a poor prognosis in post-MI patients

CBT has no effect on the risk of all-cause mortality in MI patients with depression (BJP 2007)

Which of the following is an agent that binds to the same receptor as an agonist for that receptor, but produces the opposite pharmacological effect?


Full agonist

Inverse agonist

Mixed agonist

Partial agonist (KS)

Which of the following drugs is associated with weight loss?




Sodium valproate

Topiramate (KS)

39Serious exfoliative dermatitis is seen with:




Sodium valproate

Vigabatrin (KS)

Which of the following is an antipsychotic associated with high muscarinic blockade?





Ziprasidone (KS)

Rabbit syndrome can be treated using:





Propranolol (KS)

40Which of the following statements about untreated psychosis is true?

Its acute onset is associated with a substantially longer duration of untreated psychosis

The duration of untreated psychosis lacks correlation with mid-term outcomes

Family help-seeking is associated with a shorter duration of the untreated illness

Unemployment is not related to the duration of untreated psychosis

Unlike psychosis, the duration of untreated illness has no effect on the prognosis for anxiety disorders (BJP 2006)

All of the following statements about vagus stimulation are true except:

The acute response to vagus stimulation in resistant depression is notably low

It has been found to be effective in the treatment of resistant epilepsy

The leads from the device are connected to the thoracic vagus

The procedure involves the subcutaneous implantation of a pacemaker-like device

Vocal cord palsy has been reported to be an adverse effect of the procedure (BJP 2006)

41Which of the following statements about violence and psychiatric comorbidity is true?

An increased risk of violence in youth is dependent on psychiatric comorbidity

A large reduction in exposure to the risk factor of hazardous drinking at the individual level is associated with a large overall impact on a population’s behaviour with regard to drinking

People with psychotic illness pose a greater threat to random members of the public than to people they know

The public health impact of violence from schizophrenia is lower than that from substance use

Low self-esteem is associated with the risk of violence by men against their partners, but somatic complaints are not (BJP 2006)

All of the following statements about velocardio-facial syndrome (VCF) and facial-expression processing are true except:

Facial processing networks involve occipital gyri providing input to the superior temporal region

VCF is associated with chromosome 22q11 deletion

People with VCF perform less well on space-perception tasks than on object-perception tasks

People with VCF show less activation of their right insula in facial processing

People with VCF show more activation of their bilateral occipital lobes in early facial processing (BJP 2006)

42Which of the following statements about psychotherapy is true?

Antidepressant therapy is as effective as combined therapy in the treatment of panic disorder without agoraphobia

Brief, dynamic psychotherapy is more effective than CBT for avoidant personality disorder

Music therapy significantly improves the general symptoms of schizophrenia

Younger patients with first- and second-episode psychosis respond better to counselling than to CBT

Younger patients with first- and second-episode psychosis show greater insight after counselling than after CBT (BJP 2006)

All of the following are good prognostic factors for brief psychotic disorder except:

Affective symptoms

Confusion during onset

Insidious onset

Little affective blunting

Severe precipitating stressor (KS)

Which of the following statements about brief psychotic disorders is true?

DSM-IV-TR describes four subtypes

Less than half of the patients with these disorders display schizophrenia or mood disorder at long-term follow-up

A longer duration of symptoms is associated with a good prognosis

They are more common in older patients

Psychodynamic formulations suggest that such psychotic symptoms develop as defences against prohibited fantasies (KS)

43Which of the following is an anger syndrome associated with insomnia, fatigue, fear of impending death, dysphoric affect, indigestion, and the feeling of a mass in the epigastrium?

Brain fag




Locura (KS)

Which of the following statements about psychodynamic factors in depression is true?

According to Melanie Klein, depression is an expression of anger towards hated people

According to self-psychological theory, when the developing needs of the self are unmet, a massive loss of self-esteem results

Damaged early attachment predisposes people to childhood depression

Disturbances in the genital phase predispose people to subsequent vulnerability to depression

The projection of departed objects is a defence mechanism for dealing with distress resulting from object loss (KS)

Beliefs about oneself, the world and the future are referred to as:

Cognitive distortion

The cognitive triad

Learned helplessness


Psychodynamic hierarchies (KS)

44The forming of conclusions based on too little and too narrow experience is referred to as:

Arbitrary inference

Magnification and minimisation



Specific abstraction (KS)

The tendency to put experiences into all- or-nothing categories is referred to as:

Absolutist thinking

Arbitrary inference



Specific abstraction (KS)

All of the following statements about the course of major depressive disorder are true except:

Around 5–10% of patients with an initial diagnosis of depression develop a manic episode 6 to 10 years after initial diagnosis

Late onset is associated with antisocial personality disorder

A major depressive disorder is usually preceded by a premorbid personality disorder

Over a 20-year period the mean number of episodes is between five and six

Untreated episodes last for about 6 to 13 months (KS)

45Which of the following is a selection criterion for time-limited psychotherapy?

The ability to engage and disengage

Low ego strength

Being unsuitable for borderline personality disorder

Being unsuitable for major depressive disorder

The therapist being quickly able to identify a central issue (KS)

For which of the following is the use of projection and splitting as defence mechanisms specifically unsuitable?

Brief focal psychotherapy

Psychoanalytic psychotherapy

Short-term anxiety-provoking psychotherapy

Short-term dynamic psychotherapy

Time-limited psychotherapy (KS)

Abreaction is used as a major group process in:

Analytically oriented group therapy

Behavioural group therapy

Psychoanalysis of groups

Supportive group therapy

Transactional group therapy (KS)

In which of the following is socialisation outside the group always encouraged?

Analytically oriented group therapy

Behavioural group therapy

Psychoanalysis of groups

Supportive group therapy

Transactional group therapy (KS)

46Improving adaptation to the environment is a goal of:

Analytically oriented group therapy

Behavioural group therapy

Psychoanalysis of groups

Supportive group therapy

Transactional group therapy (KS)