The biological world is subject to the normal laws of physics, contrary to opinions expressed by many mainstream scientists and philosophers 100 years ago and by some more recently. Aquarium or fish experts may recall air-filled fish bladders and the fact that a dead aquarium fish typically float or sink. Living systems constantly adapt to their surroundings, thus demonstrating that all organisms have the equivalent of a nervous system, i.e., sensors that relay information about surroundings with some sort of feedback/response mechanism. Microscopic examination of biological structures, along with some understanding from colloid chemistry, suggests a practical reason for biological hierarchical organization: self-assembly. The polar head group prefers to be surrounded by water and other polar molecules than by hydrophobic molecules. Current technological developments and the needs of society often drive interest in science. Photosynthesis has been a popular topic among biologists/botanists, photobiologists, microbiologists, photochemists, biophysicists, and others for hundreds of years.