The benefit of theory of inventive problem solving (TRIZ) comes from solving difficult problems and that means resolving tradeoffs. It is necessary to formulate these tradeoffs or rewrite the problem in a form that makes the tradeoff obvious. This chapter shows how to formulate the tradeoff. The tradeoff appears in the system of the tool and the object. The chapter considers complex problems that have many tradeoffs. The statement of problems and solving those problems become much easier when the tools and the objects that are at the heart of the problems are isolated from the numerous other components of their system. In real situations, problems contain many possible pairs of tools and objects and many tradeoffs. TRIZ is revolutionizing the technology of problem solving, and it is also changing the methodology of developing the problem statement. The analysis of tradeoffs is one of the tools in the toolkit that TRIZ provides for developing a precise problem statement.