Ants (family Formicidae) are very successful organisms occurring in tremendous numbers worldwide in terrestrial habitats. They are eusocial insects comprising three castes: queens, males, and workers. Their highly developed social structure makes them an interesting and much-studied group. This chapter discusses imported fire ants, harvester ants, and velvet ants. Some common sense suggestions for prevention of indoor fire ant infestations include: keeping patients’ beds and linens away from walls and floors, limiting food in beds, and requiring all food in the room to be kept in a well-sealed container. Local first aid for harvester ant stings consists of washing the site with soap and water and applying ice packs. Allergic reactions may require administration of epinephrine, antihistamines, and other supportive treatment. Being solitary wasps, stings by numerous velvet ants are rare. Disinfection of the sting site, application of ice packs, and administration of analgesics are often indicated for normal or local sting reactions.