This chapter presents information on the medical importance, geographic distribution, and biological aspects of flies such as black flies, deer flies, horse flies, and sand flies. It provides recommended procedures for treatment of these flies bites. Black flies are small, humpbacked flies that are important as vectors of disease and as nuisance pests. Systemic reactions characterized by hives, wheezing, fever, leukocytosis, and widespread urticaria may require intensive evaluation and treatment. Persons bitten by black flies in Africa and Latin America may need follow-up for possible development of onchocerciasis. Except for secondary infections, which require an appropriate antibiotic, deer fly bites are generally few and self-limiting. Stable fly bites are generally few and self-limiting. Antiseptic and soothing lotions may relieve pain and itching. Allergic reactions characterized by hives, wheezing, and widespread urticaria are rare but may require intensive evaluation and treatment.