Arthropods have historically affected humans psychologically, and there have even been “psychological epidemics.” Some people today have delusions of parasitosis (DOP) in which they think they are infested with arthropod parasites. DOP is diagnosed as a delusional disorder, somatic type, if symptoms persist for more than 1 month. Medical causes may be ruled out by thorough laboratory and neurological evaluation. Computer, paper, or cable mite dermatitis in a workplace may not be strictly a delusion of parasitosis. Often, these people are actually experiencing a prickling, tingling, or creeping sensation caused by a real substance in their environment. Dealing with an imaginary workplace infestation is difficult. First of all, a competent pest control operator should inspect the premises, looking for possible causes of the mysterious biting. The chapter provides an overview of the insect or mite species that could be the cause of a real infestation.