This chapter presents various introductory aspects of safety, reliability, human factors, and human error directly or indirectly concerning nuclear power plants. It covers background; safety, reliability, human factors, and human error–related facts, figures, and examples; terms and definitions; useful information on safety, reliability, human factors, and human error in nuclear power plants; the scope of the book; problems; and references.

In particular, in the case of useful information on safety, reliability, human factors, and human error in nuclear power plants, the chapter lists 18 books, 36 journals, 18 conference proceedings, nine technical reports, 11 data sources, and 10 organizations. Also, the chapter presents 10 problems to test the reader's comprehension in the area.

Finally, it is added that the sources of most of the material presented in the chapter are given in its reference section. This will be useful to readers if they desire to delve more deeply into a specific topic or area.