An intelligent energy system is a viable, often low cost, and definitely a bi-directional energy system in which renewable energy sources, systems communication, interoperability, and energy demand play a critical role. The increasing demands for power supply, combined with the policy that is followed in the recent years in Europe on sustainable development and promotion of alternative, more ecological energy sources, reinforced the interest in the utilization of renewable energy, focusing mainly on the Wind and Solar Energy. Population in the built environment is largely increasing. Only 10 years ago, 50% of the total population was estimated to live in cities and today this percentage has grown to 55%, and continues to grow along with the total world population, something which illustrates that the urban growth rate is significantly higher than the rural growth rate. According to World Health Organization it is expected to increase to 60% by 2030. It is therefore becoming more than simply a necessity to match the water, energy, food needs especially within cities, where the demand is immediate compared to the country side.