Synopsis: Students are introduced to the ideas of particle scattering in quantum mechanics in a one-dimensional context. The integral Schrödinger equation is deduced using a Wronskian technique, and reflection and transmission amplitudes are defined. Several simple scattering problems are solved, and the Born series for the energy-wave function is explained. A three-dimensional spherical basis is introduced, which allows the integral Schrödinger equation in this context to be formulated. The relation between plane waves and spherical waves is found from a solution to the unit-source Helmholtz equation, again using the Wronskian technique. Partial waves, phase shifts, and cross sections are defined, and finite range scattering is considered. The chapter concludes with a consideration of identical particle scattering and an application to the proton–proton case, where a dramatic manifestation of the underlying substructure emerges at high energies.