The labour rate has been based on average gang rates per man hour effective from 2 January 2017 including allowances for all other emoluments and expenses. Future changes will be published in the free Spon's quarterly update by registering on their website. To this rate, has been added 12" and 7" to cover site and head office overheads and preliminary items together with a further 5" for profit, resulting in an inclusive rate of £35.44 per man hour. In calculating the Measured Work Prices three assumptions have been made. The first assumption is that the work is carried out as a subcontract under the Standard Form of Building Contract. The second one is that, unless otherwise stated, the work is being carried out in open areas at a height which would not require more than simple scaffolding. The third assumption is that the building in which the work is being carried out is no more than six storey's high.