Molds and humans have deep connections with each other dating back to the old days. For instance, wine, soybean paste, and soy sauce are made by molds through fermentation. Some of the components made by molds have been recently developed into numerous antibiotics such as penicillin that now greatly help human beings to treat various diseases in real life or otherwise. On the other hand, the mold is also considered a villain that damages food, clothes, and shoes, thereby causing harm to humans. Molds growing inside nuclear reactors, which are completely filled with radioactive substances, also become a cause of the trouble. Above all, diseases caused by the propagation of molds inside the human body are directly harmful to human health. Harmful molds that cause diseases are very tenacious, such as the ones that remain attached to food or clothes and hardly get detached. The absence of drugs that are effective on such disease-causing molds necessitates many efforts for treatment.