Most of the growing season of 1845 AD in Ireland was quite favourable for the growth of potato plants and for the formation of tubers. The cause of destruction of the potato plants and of the rotting of the potato tubers was, of course, unknown and a mystery to all. Laws banning barberry were established in 1660 AD in Rouen, France. This was due to the fact that European farmers noticed a correlation between barberry and stem rust epidemics in wheat. Due to the useful nature of both barberry and wheat plants, they were eventually brought to the northern America by European colonists. The great Bengal famine of 1943 AD was a large famine in Bengal, a state in British-ruled India, claiming the lives of at least three and a half million people. Bengal famine of 1943 AD was due to the loss of rice crop due to brown spot disease of rice caused by the fungal pathogen Cochliobolus (Helminthosporium).