The word Kyusho can be translated to mean vital points or pressure points. A vital point usually covers a very small area/point of a nerve, and artery, or vein. If a vital point that is pressed covers a nerve, it is usually accompanied by pain. If the vital point covers an artery or vein, blood occlusion could occur, which triggers dizziness accompanied by pain and the result will be fainting of the participant. Finger manipulation has a biomechanical value. The fingers can be used as levers to immobilize an attacker. Finger manipulation is all about the lever of the finger attacked, and finally how it is maintained in a certain position suitable for defense. If a finger manipulation technique should occur when the defender and the attacker are on the ground, then the leverage can be established more precisely. The defender twists even more the attacker's left palm to the prone position by grabbing the attacker's pinkie and ring fingers.