Bernal graphite, with band profiles of monolayer and bilayer graphenes, is a critical bulk material for a detailed inspection of massless and massive Dirac fermions. The quantized Landau subbands (LSs) can be classified into two groups according to the characteristics of the energy dispersions and the subenvelope functions. Accordingly, the absorption spectrum of Bernal graphite displays both a bilayer-like twin-peak structure and monolayer-like single-peak structure. The induced spectral features, such as the frequency dependence, peak width, divergent form and onset energy γ1, are the signatures that can be used to distinguish between Bernal graphite and graphene. The evolution of the LSs from K to H is responsible for the magnetic quantization that transforms the subbands from parabolic dispersion to linear dispersion. The optical experiments can be used to determine the interlayer atomic interactions that dominate the electron-hole asymmetry and level and Landau-subband dispersions.