The chapter focuses on the major groups of limbed amphibians and reptiles: urodeles, anurans, lepidosaurs, crocodylians, birds, and turtles. It includes Ambystoma and Timon as representative members of urodelan amphibians and of lepidosaurian reptiles as well as Bufo, Caiman, Gallus, and Trachemys as representative members of anuran amphibians and of crocodylians, birds, and turtles, respectively. Many anatomical works have provided information about the pectoral and forelimb muscles of amphibians and reptiles. However, most of these works have focused on a specific taxon and/or a specific pectoral or forelimb region, and none of them has provided detailed information about the homologies of all the pectoral and forelimb muscles of urodeles, anurans, lepidosaurs, crocodylians, birds, and turtles. Amphibian and reptilian taxa have numerous pectoral muscles derived from the postcranial axial musculature, such as the serratus anterior, rhomboideus, levator scapulae, opercularis, sternocoracoideus, and costocoracoideus.