This chapter discusses the System-of-systems (SoS) literature to illustrate the need to create an system-of-systems engineering (SoSE) management framework based on the demands of constant technological progress in a complex dynamic environment. While the research on SoS has shown significant development in studies and experimental applications on this topic, a review of relevant modern literature reveals that we are still in an embryonic state in terms of identifying an effective methodology to achieve the objectives of SoSE. In 1962, Hall introduced a concept of “process of systems engineering” that included three important elements. In 1996, Manthorpe, Jr. proposed to link command, control, computers, communication, and information with intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance to join the SoS in order to achieve “dominant battlespace awareness”. The review of SoS literature illustrates the necessity to create an SoSE management framework based on the demands of constant technological progress in the complex dynamic environment.