The Western Pattern diet contributes to hypertension by its being high in fat, salt, sugar and simple carbohydrates, and low in fiber, antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids (FAs). These elements of this daily diet pick away at the protective coating of the endothelium, the glycocalyx, thus damaging the endothelium and its ability to generate the gas, nitric oxide, that is needed to keep the blood vessels relaxed and the blood flowing unimpaired, in response to the demand created by metabolic activity. The damage to the endothelium also underlies diabetes-related disorders and in particular retinopathy (a vision impairment due to leaking blood vessels in the eyes and separation of the retina from the eye wall), as well as neuropathy (malfunction of nerves resulting in numbness or chronic pain). We explain and detail the ability of increased omega-3 FA intake (from plant and/or marine sources, and as supplements) to prevent the above disorders, to restore function of damaged tissues and to promote wound healing.