It is estimated that there are some 1.2 billion women of

reproductive age in the world today. If on average each

woman has two acts of intercourse per week this will amount

to some 114 million acts of sexual intercourse taking place

each day, resulting in 910 000 conceptions and 356 000 sex-

ually transmitted bacterial and viral infections. There are

more than 250 million new cases each year, at least one

million of which will be HIV infection. Some developing-

country family planning, antenatal, and maternal and child

health clinics find that as many as one or two women in every

10 are infected with an STD. 1

Reproduction in animals is characterized by a vast over-

production of sperm and eggs and a high degree of wastage

of early pregnancy. A single human ejaculate represents

more potential human beings than are found in the whole

of the southern USA and Central America (Figure 2.1).