Figure 8.1 Erythema ab igne. Dermatology Lexicon Project (DLP) preferred term and number: erythema ab igne 4048

Figure 8.2 Melasma. DLP ID: melasma 4200

Figure 8.3 Piebaldism. DLP ID: piebaldism 3184

Figure 8.4 Poikiloderma of Civatte. DLP ID: poikiloderma of Civatte 4444

Figure 8.5 Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation. DLP ID: postinflammatory hyperpigmentation 5261

Figure 8.6 Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation due to doxorubicin therapy for cancer. DLP ID: hyperpigmentation, drug induced 4942

Figure 8.7 Riehl’s melanosis (berloque dermatitis due to partner’s cologne). DLP ID: pigmented contact dermatitis 4455

Figure 8.8 Slate gray pigmentation due to 20 years’ ingestion of minocycline. DLP ID: hyperpigmentation, drug induced 4942

Figure 8.9 Vitiligo. DLP ID: vitiligo 1839

Figure 8.10 Vitiligo. DLP ID: vitiligo 1839