Trade names: Trisonex (Cell Therapeutics); Fowler’s Solution (rarely employed); found in pesticides and herbal medicines

Indications: Acute promyelocytic leukemia, psoriasis (in the early 1900s), devitalization of pulp in dental procedures

Category: Trace metal Half-life: N/A Clinically important, potentially hazardous interactions with: abacavir,

amiodarone, bretylium, chlorpromazine, ciprofloxacin, disopyramide, enoxacin, fluphenazine, gatifloxacin, lomefloxacin, mesoridazine, moxifloxacin, norfloxacin, ofloxacin, phenothiazines, procainamide, prochlorperazine, promethazine, quinidine, quinolones, sotalol, sparfloxacin, thioridazine, trifluoperazine


Skin Acrocyanosis

(2002): Hall AH, Toxicol Lett 128(1), 69 Basai cell carcinoma (2002): Centeno JA+, Environ Health Perspect 110, 883 (chronic exposure) (2002): Dorfner B+, Hautarzt 53(8), 542 (2001): Guo HR+, Cancer Causes Control 12(10), 909 Bowen’s disease (2002): Centeno JA+, Environ Health Perspect 110, 883 (2002): Park JY+, J Dermatol 29(7), 446 Bullous eruption (1993): Alain G+, Int J Dermatol 32, 899 (passim) (1992): Breathnach SM+, Adverse Drug Reactions and the Skin Blackwell, Oxford,

236 (passim) (1988): Bork K, Cutaneous Side Effects of Drugs WB Saunders, 114 (1968): Privat Y+, Bull Soc Med Afr Noire Lang Fr (French) 13, 195 (1955): Alexander HL, Reactions with Drug Therapy Philadeiphia, WB Saunders Carcinoma (sic) (2002): Hall AH, Toxicol Lett 128(1), 69 (2002): Liu J+, Environ Health Perspect 110(2), 119 (2001): Guo HR+, Cancer Causes Control 12(10), 909 (2001): Rahman MM+, J Toxicol Clin Toxicol 39(7), 683 (2001): Yu HS+, J Dermatol 28(11), 628 (1997): Schwartz RA, Int J Dermatol 36, 241 (1995): Fawell J, Hum Exp Toxicol 14, 464 (1995): Hsueh YM+, Br J Cancer 71, 109 (1993): Urbach F, Recent Results Cancer Res 128, 243 (1992): Wong O+, Int Arch Occup Environ Health 64, 235 (1989): Bickley LK+, N J Med 86, 377 (1988): Chen CJ+, Lancet 1, 414 (1988): Durocher LP+, Union Med Can (French) 117, 345 (1976): Spoor HJ, Cutis 18, 631

(1970): Thivolet J+, Lyon Med (French) 223, 457 (1969): Thivolet J+, Bull Soc Fr Dermatol Syphiligr (French) 76, 892 Dermatitis (sic) (2001): Guo X+, Mol Cell Biochem 222(1), 137 (1995): Barbaud A+, Contact Dermatitis 33, 272 (1986): Wahlberg JE+, Derm Beruf Umwelt (German) 34, 10 (1964): Gaffi A, Gazz Int Med Chir (Italian) 69, 3363 (1955): Alexander HL, Reactions with Drug Therapy Philadelphia, WB Saunders Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans (1986): Shneidman D+, Cancer 58, 1585 Edema (non-pitting) (2002): Alam MG+, Int J Environ Health Res 12(3), 235 (chronic exposure) Erythema multiforme (1990): Vassileva S+, Int J Dermatol 29, 381 (1988): Bork K, Cutaneous Side Effects of Drugs WB Saunders, 145 (1967): Coleman WR Med Clin North Am 51, 1073 (1955): Alexander HL, Reactions with Drug Therapy Philadelphia, WB Saunders (1945): Fletcher MWC+, J Pediatr 27, 465 Erythema nodosum (1988): Bork K, Cutaneous Side Effects of Drugs WB Saunders, 148 Exanthems (1993): Alain G+, Int J Dermatol 32, 899 (passim) (1974): Med Lett 16, 11 (1974): Tay CH, Aust J Dermatol 15, 121 (16%) (1955): Alexander HL, Reactions with Drug Therapy Philadelphia, WB Saunders (1952): Sulzberger MB+, Postgrad Med 11, 549 Exfoliative dermatitis (1993): Alain G+, Int J Dermatol 32, 899 (passim) (1992): Breathnach SM+, Adverse Drug Reactions and the Skin Blackwell, Oxford,

236 (passim) (1973): Nicolis GD+, Arch Dermatol 108, 788 (1967): Coleman WP, Med Clin North Am 51, 1073 (1967): Lockey SD, Med Sci 18, 43 (1965): Fellner MJ+, Med Clin North Am 49, 709 (1963): Abrahams I+, Arch Dermatol 87, 96 (1955): Alexander HL, Reactions with Drug Therapy Philadelphia, WB Saunders Fixed eruption (1988): Bork K, Cutaneous Side Effects of Drugs WB Saunders, 108 (1964): Browne SG, BMJ 2, 1041 (1961): Welsh AL, The Fixed Drug Eruption Thomas, Springfield (1955): Alexander HL, Reactions with Drug Therapy Philadelphia, WB Saunders Follicular keratosis (sic) (1952): Sulzberger MB+, Postgrad Med 11, 549 Freckles (1995): Gritiyarangsan P+, Photodermatol Photoimmunol Photomed 11, 174

Hyperhidrosis (1993): Alain G+, Int J Dermatol 32, 899 (passim) Hyperkeratosis (palms and soles) (40%) (2002): Alam MG+, Int J Environ Health Res 12(3), 235 (chronic exposure) (2002): Centeno JA+, Environ Health Perspect 110 Suppl 5, 883 (chronic exposure) (2001): Kurokawa M+, Arch Dermatol 137, 102 (1996): Maloney ME, Dermatol Surg 22, 301 (passim) (1965): Fierz U, Dermatologica 131, 41 Hypopigmentation (2002): Kadono T+, Int J Dermatol 41(12), 841 (chronic exposure) Keratoses (2002): Alam MG+, Int J Environ Health Res 12(3), 235 (chronic exposure) (2002): Centeno JA+, Environ Health Perspect 110 Suppl 5, 883 (chronic exposure) (2002): Kadono T+, Int J Dermatol 41(12), 841 (chronic exposure) (2002): Liu J+, Environ Health Perspect 110(2), 119 (2002): Park JY+, J Dermatol 29(7), 446 (2001): Rahman MM+, J Toxicol Clin Toxicol 39(7), 683 (2001): Yu HS+, J Dermatol 28(11), 628 (1999): Tondel M+, Environmental Health Perspectives 107, 727 (1998): Guha Mazumder DN+, Int J Epidemiol 27, 871 (1993): Alain G+, Int J Dermatol 32, 899 (passim) (1992): Breathnach SM+, Adverse Drug Reactions and the Skin Blackwell, Oxford,

236 (passim) (1988): Bork K, Cutaneous Side Effects of Drugs WB Saunders, 232 (1978): Reymann F+, Arch Dermatol 114, 378 (1969): Bartruff JK, Arch Dermatol 100, 382 (1965): Dobson RL+, Arch Dermatol 92, 553 Leukomelanosis (sic) (2002): Alam MG+, Int J Environ Heatth Res 12(3), 235 (chronic exposure) (2001): Kurokawa M+, Arch Dermatol 137, 102 (2001): Rahman MM+, J Toxicol Clin Toxicol 39(7), 683 (1999): Tondel M+, Environmental Health Perspectives 107, 727 (1993): Sass U+, Dermatology 186, 303 (1974): Tay CH, Aust J Dermatol 15, 121 (31%) (1952): Sulzberger MB+, Postgrad Med 11, 549 Lichen planus (bullous) (1970): Aguilera-Diaz LF, Ann Dermatol Syphiligr Paris (French) 97, 39 Livedo reticularis (1974): Nagy G+, Z Hautkr (German) 25, 534 Melanoderma (1992): Breathnach SM+, Adverse Drug Reactions and the Skin Blackwell, Oxford,

236 (passim) Melanoma (1984): Philipp R+, Br Med J Clin Res Ed 288, 237 (1980): Clough P, BMJ 280, 112

(1980): Evans S, BMJ 280, 403 (1976): Grobe JW, Berufsdermatosen (German) 24, 167 Melanosis (2002): Alam MG+, Int J Environ Health Res 12(3), 235 (chronic exposure) (2002): Kadono T+, Int J Dermatol 41(12), 841 (chronic exposure) (2001): Rahman MM+, J Toxicol Clin Toxicol 39(7), 683 Merkel cell carcinoma (1999): Huang-Chun L+, J Am Acad Dermatol 41, 641 (1998): Tsuruta D+, Br J Dermatol 139, 291 (1997): Ohnishi Y+, J Dermatol 24, 310 (1991): Huang HP+, J Formos Med Assoc 90, 900 Morphea (1952): Sulzberger MB+, Postgrad Med 11, 549 Palmar-plantar erythema (1952): Sulzberger MB+, Postgrad Med 11, 549 Palmar-plantar hyperhidrosis (2000): Gerdssn R+, Acta Derm Venereol 80, 292 (1974): Tay CH, Aust J Dermatol 15, 121 (31%) Palmar-plantar hyperkeratosis (2002): Hall AH, Toxicol Lett 128(1), 69 (2000): Gerdsen R+, Acta Derm Venereol 80, 292 (1998): Tsuruta D+, Br J Dermatol 139, 291 (1997): Ohnishi Y+, J Dermatol 24, 310 (1996): Maloney ME, Dermatol Surg 22, 301 (passim) (1996): Person JR, Cutis 58, 65 (1994): Hsieh LL+, Cancer Lett 86, 59 (1993): Alain G+, Int J Dermatol 32, 899 (passim) (1992): Breathnach SM+, Adverse Drug Reactions and the Skin Blackwell, Oxford,

236 (passim) (1989): Koh E+, Eur Urol 16, 398 (1989): Shannon RL+, Hum Toxicol 8, 99 (1988): Ismail R+, J Dermatol 15, 65 (1983): Heddle R+, Chest 84, 776 (1982): Ohyama K, Dermatologica 164, 161 (1982): Rosen T+, J Am Acad Dermatol 7, 364 (1979): Allen RB+, Cutis 23, 805 (1974): Tay CH, Aust J Dermatol 15, 121 (1973): Yeh S, Human Path 4, 469 Palmar-plantar keratoderma (1996): Maloney ME, Dermatol Surg 22, 301 (passim) (1996): Matsumura Y+, Int J Cancer 65, 778 (1994): McNutt NS+, Arch Dermatol 130, 225 (1993): Alain G+, Int J Dermatol 32, 899 (passim) (1993): Sass U+, Dermatology 186, 303 (1993): Ziegler A+, Proc Natl Acad

(1992): Breathnach SM+, Adverse Drug Reactions and the Skin Blackwell, Oxford, 236 (passim)

(1987): Chakraborty AK+, Indian J Med Res 85, 326 (1986): Munzberger H+, Z Arztl Fortbild Jena (German) 80, 985 (1985): Kastl J+, Dermatol Monatsschr (German) 171, 158 (1984): Schroeder P+, Fortschr Med (German) 102, 1128 (1980): Weiss J+, Hautarzt (German) 31, 654 (1974): Tay CH, Aust J Dermatol 15, 121 (6%) (1973): Yeh S, Human Path 4, 469 (1972): Hadida E+, Bull Soc Fr Dermatol Syphiligr (French) 79, 287 (1967): Schulz EJ, S Afr Med J 41, 819 (1965): Fierz U, Dermatologica 131, 41 Palmar-plantar punctate keratoses (1996): Maloney ME, Dermatol Surg 22, 301 (passim) (1992): Breathnach SM+, Adverse Drug Reactions and the Skin Blackwell, Oxford,

236 (passim) Parapsoriasis (1952): Sulzberger MB+, Postgrad Med 11, 549 Photosensitivity (1992): Breathnach SM+, Adverse Drug Reactions and the Skin Blackwell, Oxford,

236 (passim) Pigmentation (2002): Hall AH, Toxicol Lett 128(1), 69 (2002): Liu J+, Environ Health Perspect 110(2), 119 (2002): Park JY+, J Dermatol 29(7), 446 (2001): Kurokawa M+, Arch Dermatol 137, 102 (2001): Yu HS+, J Dermatol 28(11), 628 (1999): Tondel M+, Environmental Health Perspectives 107, 727 (1998): Guha Mazumder DN+, Int J Epidemiol 27, 871 (1996): Maloney ME, Dermatol Surg 22, 301 (passim) (1993): Alain G+, Int J Dermatol 32, 899 (passim) (1992): Breathnach SM+, Adverse Drug Reactions and the Skin Blackwell, Oxford,

236 (passim) (1989): Shannon RL+, Hum Toxicol 8, 99 (1981): Granstein RD+, J Am Acad Dermatol 5, 1 (bronze) (1974): Tay CH, Aust J Dermatol 15, 121 (85%) (1973): Levantine A+, Br J Dermatol 89, 105 Pityriasis rosea (from organic arsenic) (1988): Bork K, Cutaneous Side Effects of Drugs WB Saunders, 169 (1952): Sulzberger MB+, Postgrad Med 11, 549 Pruritus (1967): Young AW, J Am Geriatr Soc 15, 750 Psoriasis (1952): Sulzberger MB+, Postgrad Med 11, 549 Purpura

(1988): Bork K, Cutaneous Side Effects of Drugs WB Saunders, 191 (1955): Alexander HL, Reactions with Drug Therapy Philadelphia, WB Saunders Raynaud’s phenomenon (2002): Hall AH, Toxicol Lett 128(1), 69 Squamous cell carcinoma (2002): Centeno JA+, Environ Health Perspect 110 Suppl 5, 883 (chronic exposure) (2001): Guo HR+, Cancer Causes Control 12(10), 909 (1996): Maloney ME, Dermatol Surg 22, 301 (passim) (1993): Alain G+, Int J Dermatol 32, 899 (passim) (1992): Breathnach SM+, Adverse Drug Reactions and the Skin Blackwell, Oxford,

236 (passim) (1989): Shannon RL+, Hum Toxicol 8, 99 (1988): Ismail R+, J Dermatol 15, 65 (1988): Scholz S+, Z Arztl Fortbild Jena (German) 82, 1201 (1979): Brownstein MH+, Int J Dermatol 18, 1 (1979): Southwick GJ+, J Surg Oncol 12, 115 (1974): Tay CH, Aust J Dermatol 15, 121 (1973): Yeh S, Human Path 4, 469 Stevens-Johnson syndrome (1990): Vassileva S+, Int J Dermatol 29, 381 (1967): Coleman WP, Med Clin North Am 51, 1073 (1945): Fletcher MWC+, J Pediatr 27, 465 Ulcerations (2002): Liu J+, Environ Health Perspect 110(2), 119 Urticaria (1955): Alexander HL, Reactions with Drug Therapy Philadelphia, WB Saunders Vitiligo (1989): Bickley LK+, N J Med 86, 377

Hair Hair-alopecia

(1993): Alain G+, Int J Dermatol 32, 899 (passim) (1992): Breathnach SM+, Adverse Drug Reactions and the Skin Blackwell, Oxford,

236 (passim) (1988): Bork K, Cutaneous Side Effscts of Drugs WB Saunders, 249 (1974): Tay CH, Aust J Dermatol 15, 121 (5%)

Nails Nails-leukonychia

(1988): Bork K, Cutaneous Side Effects of Drugs WB Saunders, 262 Nails-pigmentation (1988): Bork K, Cutaneous Side Effects of Drugs WB Saunders, 261 (1978): Shah PC+, Br J Dermatol 98, 675 (passim) Nails-transverse white bands (1993): Alain G+, Int J Dermatol 32, 899 (passim) (1993): Sass U+, Dermatology 186, 303

Other Dysgeusia

(2002): Hall AH, Toxicol Lett 128(1), 69 Foetor ex ore (halitosis) (1988): Bork K, Cutaneous Side Effects of Drugs WB Saunders, 310 Gangrene (2002): Alam MG+, Int J Environ Health Res 12(3), 235 (chronic exposure) (1952): Sulzberger MB+, Postgrad Med 11, 549 Gynecomastia (1992): Breathnach SM+, Adverse Drug Reactions and the Skin Blackwell, Oxford,

237 (passim) Headache Oral mucosal eruption (8%) (1974): Tay CH, Aust J Dermatol 15, 121 (1966): Dummett CO, J Oral Ther Pharmacol 1, 106 (1952): Sulzberger MB+, Postgrad Med 11, 549 Oral mucosal pigmentation (1988): Bork K, Cutaneous Side Effects of Drugs WB Saunders, 288 Stomatitis (1966): Dummett CO, J Oral Ther Pharmacol 1, 106 Tumors (malignant) (2001): Kurokawa M+, Arch Dermatol 137, 102

Synonym: vitamin C Trade names: Ascorbicap; Cebid; Cecon; Cemill; Cetane; Cevalin (Lilly); Cevi-Bid;

Dull-C; Sunkist; Vita-C Other common trade names: Apo-C; Ce-Vi-Sol; Cebion; Cetebe; Laroscorbine;

Potent C; Pro-C; Redoxon Indications: Prevention of scurvy Category: Water-soluble nutritional supplement Half-life: N/A Clinically important, potentially hazardous interactions with: deferoxamine,



Skin Angioedema

(1980): Bilyk MA+, Vrach Delo (Russran) May, 81 Eczema (sic) (1980): Metz J+, Contact Dermatitis 6, 172 Erythema Flushing (<1%) Side effects (sic) (1992): Breathnach SM+, Adverse Drug Reactions and the Skin Blackwell, Oxford,

265 (passim) (1980): Bilyk MA+, Vrach Delo (Russian) May, 81

Other Injection-site irritation

Synonym: L-asparaginase Trade name: Elspar (Merck) Other common trade names: Crasnitin; Erwinase; Kidrolase; Laspar; Leunase Indications: Acute lymphocytic leukemia, lymphoma Category: Antineoplastic; Protein synthesis inhibitor Half-life: 8-30 hours (IV); 39-49 hours (IM)


Skin Angioedema

(1983): Bronner AK+, J Am Acad Dermatol 9, 645 (15%) (1981): Weiss RB+, Ann Intern Med 94, 66 (1971): Jacquillat C+, Med Welt (German) 22, 503 (<1.0%) Chills Diaphoresis Edema Exanthems Flushing (1983): Bronner AK+, J Am Acad Dermatol 9, 645 (15%) Pruritus (<1%) (1981): Weiss RB+, Ann Intern Med 94, 66 Rash (sic) (<1%) Toxic epidermal necrolysis (1989): Stern RS+, J Am Acad Dermatol 21, 317 (1980): Rodriguez AR, J Med Assoc Ga 69, 355

Urticaria (<1%) (1983): Bronner AK+, J Am Acad Dermatol 9, 645 (15%) (1981): Weiss RB+, Ann Intern Med 94, 66 (1979): Ertel IJ+, Cancer Res 39, 3893 (1971): Jacquillat C+, Med Welt (German) 22, 503 (<0.5%)

Hair Hair-alopecia

Other Anaphylactoid reactions (10-40%)

(1983): Bronner AK+, J Am Acad Dermatol 9, 645 (15%) (1982): Dunagin WG, Semin Oncol 9, 14 (3%) (1979): Ertel IJ+, Cancer Res 39, 3893 Aphthous stomatitis (1-10%) Headache Hypersensitivity (10-40%) (2001): Bryant R, J Intraven Nurs 24(3), 169 (1998): Bonno M+, J Allergy Clin Immunol 101, 571 (1998): Urson RA+, Leukemia 12, 660 (1992): Weiss RB, Semin Oncol 19, 458 (1982): Dunagin WG, Semin Oncol 9, 14 (33%) (1981): Weiss RB+, Ann Intern Med 94, 66 (6-43%) (1978): Levine N+, Cancer Treat Res 5, 67 (5-20%) (1974): Levantine A+, Br J Dermatol 90, 239 Injection-site erythema Oral mucosal lesions (26%) Serum sickness (1983): Bronner AK+, J Am Acad Dermatol 9, 645 (15%)

Trade names: Equal; Nutrasweet* Indications: No data Category: Low-calorie artificial sweetener Half-life: N/A


Skin Allergic reactions (sic)

(1998): Garriga MM+, Ann Allergy 61, 63 (1996): Roberts HJ, Arch Intern Med 156, 1027 Angioedema (1992): Downham TF, Clin Cases in Dermatol 4, 12 (observation) (1988): Metcalfe DD, Skin and Allergy News 19, 52 (observation) Dermatitis (sic) (1992): Downham TF, Clin Cases in Dermatol 4, 12 (observation) Exanthems (1986): Arzneimittelinformation ATI Berlin GmbH (German) 12, 121 Pruritus (1994): Shelley WB+, Cutis 53, 77 (observation) (1988): Metcalfe DD, Skin and Allergy News 19, 52 (observation) Pruritus ani (1994): Shelley WB+, Cutis 53, 237 (observation) Purpura (1999): Leal G, Fortaleza, Brazil (from Internet) (observation) (1992): Downham TF, Clin Cases in Dermatol 4, 12 (observation) Rash (sic) (1988): Metcalfe DD, Skin and Allergy News 19, 52 (observation) Urticaria (1995): Kulczycki A, J Allergy Clin Immunol 95, 639 (1992): Downham TF, Clin Cases in Dermatol 4, 12 (observation) (1988): Metcalfe DD, Skin and Allergy News 19, 52 (observation) (1986): Kulczycki A, Ann Intern Med 104, 207 Vasculitis (1992): Downham TF, Clin Cases in Dermatol 4, 12 (observation)

Other Anaphylactoid reactions

(1996): Roberts HJ, Arch Intern Med 156, 1027 Panniculitis (1992): Geha RS, J Am Acad Dermatol 26, 277 (lobular) (1991): McCauliffe DP+, J Am Acad Dermatol 24, 298 (lobular) (1985): Novick NL, Ann Intern Med 102, 206 (granulomatous)

*Note: Aspartame can be found in instant breakfasts, breath mints, cereals, sugar-free chewing gum, cocoa mixes, coffee beverages, frozen desserts, gelatin desserts, juice beverages, laxatives, multivitamins, milk drinks, pharmaceuticals and supplements, shake mixes, soft drinks, tabletop sweeteners, tea beverages, instant teas and coffees, topping mixes, wine coolers, yogurt