ALBERT MONTGOMERY KLIGMAN was born March 17, 1916 in Philadelphia and has remained there as an indigenous treasure to this day. He received his Bachelor’s Degree at Pennsylvania State University where he was Captain of their Olympic-qualifying gymnastic team. After a Ph.D. in Botany and authoring the only monograph on the care and feeding of mushrooms, he received his M.D. and took his residency in dermatology, all at the University of Pennsylvania. There he has spent all of his life, lifted to full professorship by a phenomenal 1,700 papers and 5 textbooks. He became an international institution, training over 600 fellows in dermatology from all over the world. His zest for research and for living infects all who have ever encountered him in his lab, in the lecture hall, or in his writings. His great love is teaching. He has a flair for clothing his thoughts in regal phrase. At the blackboard he converts chalk into the gold of wisdom.