The wrist and hand comprise a large number of tendons and play an important role in work and sports; thus, overuse injuries are quite common in these regions. The injuries are often characterized by tendinitis or tenosynovitis.6,21,26,58,90 Principal symptoms are pain and tenderness in the affected tendon or tendons. Pain increases with passive extension of the tendon or with contraction of the appropriate muscle against resistance.40 The most common overuse injury of the wrist joint is known as de Quervain disease and is characterized by inflammation of the tendons passing through the fibro-osseous tunnel of the first dorsal compartment of the wrist at the level of the radial styloid, i.e., m. abductor pollicis longus and m. extensor pollicis brevis. Flexor carpi ulnaris tendinitis is a relatively common overuse wrist injury in athletes, whereas flexor carpi radialis tendinitis occurs much more rarely. Rowers and weight lifters, to a greater degree than other athletes, often suffer from intersection syndrome, also known as oarsman’s wrist. Dorsal radiocarpal impingement syndrome is common in gymnasts, which, in sports medicine, is often referred to as gymnast’s wrist. Trigger finger may also be included in overuse wrist syndromes. Long-term sports or working activity may cause the development of nerve entrapment syndromes-carpal tunnel and Guyon’s tunnel in particular.