Pharmaceutical administration in Japan is based on

various laws and regulations, consisting mainly of (i)

Pharmaceutical Affairs Law, (ii) Pharmacists Law, (iii)

Organization for Pharmaceutical Safety and Research

Law, (iv) Blood Collection and Blood Donation Services

Control Law, (v) Poisonous and Deleterious Substances

Control Law, (vi) Narcotic and Psychotropic Control Law,

(vii) Cannabis Control Law, (viii) Opium Law, and (ix)

StimulantsControl Law. For the enforcement andmanage-

ment of these laws, detailed regulations are prepared by

the government in the form of ministerial ordinances and

notices, such as the Enforcement Ordinance and the

Enforcement Regulations of the Pharmaceutical Affairs

Law, and notifications are issued by the Director General

of the Bureau or by the directors in charge of the Division

in the MHLW.