Physical factors have been demonstrated to be a naturally occurring component part of the process of osteogenesis or bone formation, regeneration, and repair. Beyond the mechanical forces, generally referred to as a manifestation of Wolff’s law (1), where form follows function, electrical currents have been widely studied and recognized in biological organisms and processes, including bone healing and homeostasis. In cases where routine fracture healing has been interrupted and fails to occur, stimulation of the healing process by exogenously introducing electrical currents to simulate the endogenous phenomenon of electric currents in bone healing have been demonstrated effective to assist in supplementing healing, and as an adjunct for causing a bony fusion to occur in the spine. These technologies have been developed and considered particularly promising in the difficult and challenging environment of forming a spinal arthrodesis, which is not absolutely reliable and where failure of healing holds such significant consequences. This Chapter will provide physical intuition regarding the electromagnetic processes being observed and simulated and introduce some additional mechanisms, not previously considered, in an attempt to complete the analysis and as a stimulus to further research and development.