Although frequently recommended in clinical practice guidelines, it is

debatable whether the 75-g OGTT is routinely necessary; most diabetics will

have an abnormal fasting glucose or HbA1c. Persons with IFG and IGT often fit

the clinical picture of “metabolic syndrome” characterized by varying degrees of

dyslipidemia, hypertension and obesity. No specific criteria for Metabolic

Syndrome are specified here since they vary in the literature. Other than lifestyle

measures for diet, exercise and weight loss, there is little outcome-based

evidence to support specific long-term pharmacologic glucose-lowering treat-

ments for persons with IFG or IGT. Thus, many experts recommend appropriate

treatments for the various components of the Metabolic Syndrome (hypertension,

lipids, obesity) along with patient counseling regarding the high future risk of

developing frank type 2 diabetes.