This chapter describes properties of Standard Template indications, discusses incorporating epidemiology using stocks and flows and explains Patient Flow allocation. The Standard Template incorporates epidemiology, treatment options, and compliance/persistence metrics to evaluate and analyze patient behavior in individual indication marketplaces. Good communication between the epidemiologist, the Dynamic Modeling team, and the market research team is essential for developing customized patient flow models. The Standard Template allows for calculation of the associated epidemiology flows with the help of some basic arithmetic based on mortality statistics. By creating an explicit stock/flow structure which can be populated with actual data, dynamic models ensure internal consistency by operationalizing the interrelationships between key epidemiology concepts. Stock/flow structure provides a more accurate and enlightening representation of chronic disease epidemiology which can be used as a sanity check against forecasts of prevalence, diagnosis rates, and key incidence flows. Compliance and persistence are frequently used terms in the pharmaceutical industry, sometimes interchangeably and often inconsistently.