It is important to ensure that the patient has been properly prepared for surgery before proceeding with an orbitotomy, particularly with regard to the management of hypertension and the use of anti-platelet and anticoagulant agents. If significant blood loss is anticipated from the surgery, the patient should be grouped and saved and blood crossed matched and made available if necessary. A full blood count and platelet count should be undertaken prior to surgery along with a biochemical profile. Informed consent should be obtained ensuring that the patient understands the small risk of visual loss from intraoperative trauma to the optic nerve, or from postoperative intraorbital hemorrhage. Additional risks specific to the surgical approach should also be discussed, e.g., infection, bleeding, ptosis, diplopia, sensory loss, pupillary enlargement, cosmetic deformity, hypertrophic scarring, CSF leak, meningitis, and intracranial trauma. The correct side should be clearly marked by the surgeon after checking with the patient, after checking the consent form and after checking the orbital scans.