Pigmentary Mosaicism There is almost no data concerning the treatment of pigmentary mosaicisms. In our experience, blanching products are ineffective and only Q-switched lasers have provided some interesting results (Fig. 37.9). However, pigmentary mosaicism is a heterogeneous group, and response to treatment is highly variable. A test session using several wavelengths is required to determinate the optimal laser approach and the risk of recurrences.

Dark Rings The dark rings under the eyes are a heterogeneous group with multifactorial etiologies that depends mainly on physiological factors such as superficial location of vasculature, periorbital edema, and shadowing due to skin laxity. In some patient, the dark rings are due to hypermelanosis mainly in dermis. Topical treatments including tretinoin cream, peeling, CO2 laser, and surgical approaches have been reported (166-169). However, best results are usually obtained with Q-switched lasers and IPL (170,171).