Anton is a hedge fund whiz. At just 25 years of age he has such a feel for numbers that big names from all over the financial world want to run their ideas by him. If they have Anton’s nod, they move forward with a plan. In spite of enormous amounts of data, he knows what to focus on. He can sift and filter volumes of information and figure out what is relevant, highlight key points, and prioritize in minutes. Although he dropped out of graduate school, he had lots of experience analyzing numbers while helping his dad and uncle run a small investment business and as a trader for two years. He has learned to trust his gut to such a high degree that he can listen to analytic reports and in fifteen to thirty minutes “know” his decision. No need for detailed explanations. His experience allows him to see what he needs, interpret, and decide in a flash. This makes Anton seem almost supernatural to his colleagues. He relies on his judgment, and everyone else envies it. His bets are on and he rarely loses.