The first edition of this book was published in 1998, and when I decided to update it I rather naively thought it would take a couple of weeks. Instead, the huge changes that have occurred in the industry since then have necessitated re-writing virtually the whole book, and adding many new terms to it. Since that time, digital cameras have become commonplace, outselling film cameras, whilst many of the big industry 'names' have gone. The work of the photographer has changed too. The job of the photographer was often finished when the film was taken to the lab for processing. Now, photographers may need to undertake time consuming post-capture processing, captioning and filing to ensure a smooth and efficient workflow. They need to understand at least the basics of colour management, whether they be making their own prints on an ink jet printer, or having them published in books and magazines. The use of the Internet has expanded enormously, becoming a valuable means of marketing and transmitting images, as well as a huge information source when researching books like this!