Now that we know how to draw lines and circles, we will investigate the aids which are available to the user. AutoCAD 2006 has several 2D drawing aids which are generally toggled on/off using the status bar buttons and include:


allows the user to place a series of imaginary dots over the drawing area

the grid spacing can be altered by the user at any time while the drawing is being constructed

as the grid is imaginary, it does not appear on the final plot.


allows the user to set the on-screen cursor to a pre-determined point on the screen

the snap spacing can be altered at any time by the user

when the snap and grid are set to the same value, the term grid lock is often used.


an aid which allows only horizontal and vertical movement of the on-screen cursor

Polar tracking

allows objects to be drawn at specific angles along an alignment path

the user can alter the ‘polar angle’ at any time.

Object Snap

the user can set a snap relative to a pre-determined geometry

this drawing aid will be discussed in detail in a later chapter.

Dynamic Input

provides tooltip display information near the on-screen cursor

this information is updated as the cursor moves

the tooltip allows the user direct keyboard entry.