Pattie Pierce has worked as a temp in the UK high-skilled secretarial/PA occupations for over twenty years. She chose to work in this way for health reasons. Several of Pattie’s relatives have bi-polar affective disorder (manic depression). While Pattie’s symptoms have been controlled by drugs, her life has nonetheless been difficult, with bouts of severe depression alternating with periods of damaging hyperactivity. Temporary work lets her take breaks to care for family – and also herself – without needing to take sick or compassionate leave:

As long as you have reasonable references, and can give an account of any gaps, you can get work, take time off, and return to work – in my case, I have been able to continue working at this level despite chronic [drug-controlled] fast cycling symptoms. This is mostly due to choosing to work at a level I know I can cope with whichever phase I am in.