Figure 12.1 Using a fast shutter speed can freeze the movement of subjects in your photographs.

priority’ (‘Tv’ or ‘S’), pick a fast shutter speed and the

camera will do the aperture setting for you. An auto-

only camera loaded with fast film will set its briefest

shutter speed, in strong light. In fact, shooting on film

of ISO 400 or 1000, or equivalent setting for digital

cameras, is advisable with all cameras using briefest

shutter settings, to avoid underexposing. If you have

a simple, one-fixed-shutter-speed camera, try instead

to swing (‘pan’) the camera in the same direction as

the moving subject (see page 236). This can give you

a reasonably sharp picture of your subject against a

blurred background. Another alternative is to freeze

the motion using a short burst of light, such as a flash

(see page 155).