Musical production for television can be categorized by three different criteria. They are:

1. Types of Material a. Scored material-classical music, theatrical

performances, some concerts b. Improvised material-rock and roll, jazz

2. Types of Performance a. Live performance-concerts, variety pro-

grams, specials b. Edited performance-any kind of material

3. Types of Production a. Single-camera-any of the above; most

music videos and most shorter pieces b. Multiple-camera-any of the above; most

concerts and long-form productions

We’ll start by examining a multiple-camera special, one that does not allow for a lot of postproduction. It’s the kind of program that TV Guide might describe as “a tribute to the many styles of music to be found in America.” A program like this, which encompasses different kinds of material and performances offers a look at a broad range of production problems and techniques. Additional material concerning remote variety specials and concerts is covered in Chapter 11.