Through this chapter, the student will be exposed to:

Understand the wider position and role of the industrialized countries in the context of global affairs, changes, and relationships, as well as the historical developments that led to these

Identify the elements that constitute the business macro-environment and their importance, and be able to distinguish the industrialized countries based on their macro-environmental characteristics

Comprehend the factors that underlie consumer behavior, and also to differentiate the behavior of consumers in industrialized countries from that of consumers in other countries

Value the knowledge on consumer behavior in the industrialized countries, and be in a position to utilize it toward achieving business objectives

Recognize the generic characteristics of the competitive environment of industrialized countries, monitor the parameters of individual competitive environments, and interpret their major elements

Formulate, plan, and manage strategies that utilize their knowledge of the industrialized countries’ competitive environment and consumer needs and behavior

Structure, organize, and lead businesses in the industrialized countries based on the constrictions imposed and potentialities offered by the economic, cultural, regulatory, and other macro-environmental conditions

440Generally be in a position to not only differentiate the business environment and practice of the industrialized countries vis-à-vis the rest of the world, but also appreciate the uniqueness and distinctiveness of individual countries and areas within them

Interrelate all the elements, factors, forces, and parameters presented in this chapter, to achieve a comprehensive and spherical perception of the complex conditions under which businesses operate in the industrialized countries.