Partially precooking foods in oil or water before their final preparation is called blanching. Blanch and shock refers to cooking a food item partially, then plunging it into ice water to stop its cooking. To grasp a chef’s knife with optimum power and control, grip the base of the blade with the thumb and forefinger, then grip the handle with the last three fingers. Fats are important in cooking, because they not only are used as a cooking medium, as in deep-fat frying, but they provide flavor and texture as an ingredient. Carbohydrates, commonly called carbs, are the primary source of energy in the human body. They are found mostly in plants, such as beans, vegetables, grain, and fruit. Proteins are pretty much the basis of all animal life. They provide the structure to cells and regulate the functions of the body. Proteins are present in all animal products, including meat, poultry, eggs, milk, and fish.