An overview of the game Essentially the aim of the game from a programming perspective is to keep the game as object orientated as possible. We want the players to move themselves because most of them will be under computer control. Only a single player will be under user control, and this player will be moved using the arrow keys and will kick the ball using the space bar. For each step of the game the computer will move all the other players and decide which opposing player is nearest to the ball, making this player the one with ball focus. If the ball has been kicked by the user’s team then the computer calculates the nearest team player and they become the new player under user control. The ball is hit using simple physics calculations and the camera tracks the player from each team with the ball focus and the ball itself, centring the display in the middle of this triangle. If any one of the elements of the triangle, player team A, player team B and ball, is out of shot then the scale of the view switches to wide so that an overview of the game is shown. Each team has just five players and the game is played in the manner of five-a-side football where the players can bounce the ball off the walls.