This chapter consists of contributions from the following organizations: https://www.niso.org/standards/z39-96/ns/oasis-exchange/table"> Case Study 1) SSL International plc This organization's case study was included in the first edition of this handbook in 1997. The case study is included in this second edition as it illustrates the processes of continuous improvement and how such momentum can be maintained over a longer period of time. Case Study 2) Lex Vehicle Leasing Ltd This organization is an example of a service organization providing the consumer with an environmentally emotive product – the car – and the unique challenges overcome during the ‘road’ to ISO 14001 certification. 146 Case Study 3) Waste Recycling Group Ltd This case study is included as an example of a service company whose core business is the removal, segregation, storage, destruction, incineration and burial etc. of the waste produced by our consumer society. Such activities of course produce their own set of environmental impacts and for which there is a whole raft of legislation and strict enforcement regimes controlling all aspects of this business.