The question of what marketing is and what it entails has been the focus of a considerable

amount of work over the past 40 years. From this, numerous definitions have emerged, with

differing emphases on the process of marketing, the functional activities that constitute

marketing, and the orientation (or philosophy) of marketing. The Chartered Institute of

Marketing, for example, defines it as:

“. . . the management process for identifying, anticipating and satisfying customer requirements profitably.” A slightly longer but conceptually similar definition of marketing was proposed by the

American Marketing Association (AMA) in 1985:

“Marketing is the process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion and distribution of ideas, goods and services to create exchanges that satisfy individual and

organizational objectives.” Although this definition, or variations of it, has been used by a variety of writers (see, for

example, McCarthy and Perreault, 1990; Dibb et al., 1991; Kotler, 1991), Littler and Wilson

(1995, p. 1) have pointed to the way in which ‘its adequacy is beginning to be questioned in

some European textbooks (e.g. Foxall, 1984; Baker, 1987). It could be said that the AMA

definition is more of a list than a definition and is therefore clumsy and inconvenient to use;

that it cannot ever be comprehensive; and that it fails to provide a demarcation as to what

They go on to suggest that the AMA definition presents marketing as a functional process

conducted by the organization’s marketing department, whereas the general thrust of the more

recent literature on marketing theory is that marketing is increasingly being conceptualized as

an organizational philosophy or ‘an approach to doing business’. This strategic as opposed to

a functional approach to marketing is captured both by McDonald (1989, p. 8):

“Marketing is a management process whereby the resources of the whole organization are utilized to satisfy the needs of selected customer groups in order to achieve the objectives of both

parties. Marketing, then, is first and foremost an attitude of mind rather than a series of functional

activities.” and by Drucker (1973), who put forward a definition of marketing orientation:

“Marketing is so basic that it cannot be considered a separate function on a par with others such as manufacturing or personnel. It is first a central dimension of the entire business. It is the whole

business seen from the point of view of its final result, that is, from the customers’ point of

view.” A significant shift in emphasis since Drucker wrote this is to be found in the importance that

is now attached to competitive position in a changing world. Thus the marketing concept is that

managerial orientation which recognizes that success primarily depends upon identifying

changing customer wants and developing products and services that match these better than

those of competitors (Doyle, 1987; Wilson and Fook, 1990).