I was facilitating a workshop the other day, and the CEO of the mining company, who is very forward in his thinking, suggested that we needed to give all the people working in the company a new way to think. Not brainwashing of course, but more along the lines of the ‘reframing’ exercise that I introduced in Chapter 1. This particular mining company has an opportunity to do something that very few companies ever do: to start from scratch, but with major backing and little interference from their mother company – and a mandate to ‘do it differently’. In my opinion they have embarked on the journey with all the right tools and attitudes: they want their people to go beyond the rules to where the common sense lies. They want guidelines rather than policies. They have set up real cross-boundary teams and are working within a set of well-considered values. They have a tight and inspiring vision. They believe that thinking is more important than imposing regulations.