Above the line refers to advertising using ‘paid for’ media, for which paid agencies are traditionally commissioned

Below the line refers to all other activities Through the line refers to the trend for being ‘paid

by results’, therefore being neither above nor below the line





A campaign that is coordinated is planned, communicates the same message and has uniform design. By combining more than one element of promotion, the message communicated is more powerful

tools can be characterized by the 4Cs framework:

Communication – ability to deliver a personal message, ability to reach a large audience and level of interaction

Credibility – how believable the medium is

Cost – in absolute terms, per contact, wastage and overall investment

Control – ability to target specific audiences and to adjust the tool as circumstances change

Advertising is a paid form of non-formal communication transmitted through mass media

n To raise awareness

n To educate the market

n To persuade the market

In developing a promotional campaign the following needs to be considered:

n What is the role of advertising in this campaign?