The main goal of this book is very simple. I want to infect you with the incredible excitement that surrounds taking products and services to market in new and better ways, and to build a passion and enthusiasm for creating customer value better than others do. The goal is relevance and new marketing to meet the demands of new customers, not just repackaging the old stuff that you can find in traditional textbooks. I also take exception to writers, trainers and teachers who seem determined to make business boring. The process of taking business ideas into reality is not boring, it is incredible fun. I think we have a problem with what seems to be the ‘MBA mantra’ to be boring and tedious as a substitute for being innovative and creative. It is almost as if every business school in the world has an unwritten set of MBA Commandments, to which you have to agree if you want to be a ‘proper’ manager. In fact, it must look something like this:


Thou shall never smile again.