The literal interpretation of the French term 'table d'hote' is 'table or offering of the host'. It stems from a bygone period when nobility and people of means entertained their guests in their homes (see also Prix fixe). A contemporary table d'hote or 'set' menu offers a fixed price for a limited number of courses and dishes. It can also be offered for a set dining period (e.g. lunch). Table d'hote menus may change daily, weekly, or even monthly, and they may be used in rotation, as they are for cycle menus in on-site foodservice. Table d'hote menus offer a complete meal of three or more courses with or without a choice of dishes in each course. Guests usually pay full price for all courses whether or not they consume all of them. Some foodservice operators who offer special gourmet table d'hote menus for events such as Christmas dinner or wedding banquets require a deposit when making reservations.