People are my favorite photographic subjects. I’m not alone-most of us take pictures to capture memories of friends and family as they grow, and as we participate in and explore the world around us. Human faces and bodies are endlessly interesting, capable of conveying emotion even at complete rest. Until we get a camera that challenges us, most people just take smiley snapshots of their friends and family. Once you start to grow as a photographer, however, you begin to see how the combination of light and pose can convey personality, even among people you don’t know. As you’re just sitting, talking to a friend, or watching someone do something completely ordinary, it will strike you: that’s a beautiful portrait. If you have your camera nearby, and know how to use it just right, you can capture that person in a flattering light. Portraits attempt to capture something about the person to portray them as they are. Portrayals can be simple or elaborate. A basic portrait features the person’s face and little or no background detail. Portraits needn’t be focused on a face, however. Spending time with people in their environments can tell you a bit about what they like to do. Sometimes if you step back, you’ll see that their surroundings have a lot to do with who they are. You might also find that they’re more relaxed on their own turf.