Before we look at downloading and viewing your pictures, let’s think about where to put your pictures on your computer. I’d suggest having one folder named Photos or Pictures (your computer may already have created a folder with such a name). Then place all your photos inside that folder. When you need to find a photo you’ll know right where to look because they’ll all be in the same place. You may also want to further organize your photos by creating sub-folders within your main Pictures folder. What you name these sub-folders depends on how you want to group your photos. You could create folders for different subject matter such as family, vacation, landscapes, flowers, portraits, etc. Another option is to group by date, making sub-folders for each month, or perhaps you want to group your photos by where they were taken. Or you may decide it’s easier to leave all the photos in one folder and not group them at all. How you organize them is up to you. What’s important is to pick a system that works for you. Having all your photos in one main folder will make it much easier to find them.