Storytelling, which is what animation is all about, is 95% play-acting and 5% genius. All of you pass the 5% genius prerequisite but as for play-acting, some of you have ‘‘grown up ‘ ‘ and have gotten ‘‘serious” about drawing. People who grow up become sober, somber, sedate, and solemn and risk losing what it takes to become a performer, especially an illustrator of fantasy. Moviegoers want to be entertained. They don't give a hoot about how well you can draw a model or copy a model sheet drawing. They want their amusement to whisk them out of their already too serious life. Most of them have forgotten how to play-act. Growing up takes its toll. But they seek to acquire it vicariously. So along comes the Disney cartoons, designed to whisk them into an hour or so of pure fantasy. Escape from the “normal” everyday sane world of serious living. And that's where you come in – adding the visual stimuli to some very ingenious and amusing story material.