While I am jotting down thoughts on drawing, I AM well aware that all who read them are at a different level of expertise. All I can do is pick my own brain and hope (sincerely, that is) that something will from time to time, pop up that you can incorporate into your psyche. Naturally, at this point, because the evening drawing class is almost my only contact with you, I base most of my criticism and analysis on what I observe in class. Some of you do not attend so there is no firsthand knowledge of either your problems or your skills. So I write on the assumption that drawing problems are at least partially universal. Even attitudes, in spite of that great verity individualism, are fairly universal. I am heartened by all that nebulous bit of assurance and move along. I am constantly encouraged by those who, week after week, comment on the handouts, remarking on how I had “hit home” on some problem.