This chapter looks at what to do if digital photographers are new to Aperture and want to migrate digital photographer's existing image Library from iPhoto or Adobe Bridge. It discusses the implications of this for digital photographer's image metadata and also looks at some of the differences in the Raw image processing tools provided by Aperture and Adobe Camera Raw. The chapter describes how digital photographers can use Aperture in conjunction with a range of applications from Apple's own iLife and iWork suites to other applications like Adobe InDesign. Aperture maintains the organization of digital photographer's iPhoto Library as Projects within an iPhoto Library Folder. Albums are imported, but Aperture doesn't import iPhoto Smart Albums, Books or Slideshows. The process of migrating digital photographer's image Library from Bridge to Aperture is, in most respects, relatively straightforward. If the new master was produced from a managed master, then the PSD file will be stored in the Aperture Library.