The Special Educational Needs Code of Practice (DfES, 2001) forms a starting point for examining the broad area of communication and interaction difficulties and its possible relationship with other areas of SEN. The triggers for intervention at Early Years Action, Early Years Action Plus, School Action and School Action Plus and when a statement of SEN is issued are intended to form a graduated response. The guidance, Data Collection by Type of Special Educational Needs (DfES, 2003) provides brief descriptions of ‘speech, language and communication needs’ and ‘autistic spectrum disorder’. Such definitions and descriptions of speech and language difficulties can be related to the layered legal definition of SEN in the Education Act 1996 and further understood in that context, although ASD is less well illuminated by the layered definition. The Code (DfES, 2001) touches on the type of provision that pupils with communication and interaction difficulties ‘may require’ (7: 56). In this book I have stressed the importance of having a range of provision including mainstream schools and special schools for pupils and have also underlined the importance of professionals working together and of schools working with parents and seeking their involvement and of involving pupils.