The Planetary Activation Organization (formerly the Ground Crew Project), founded by Sheldan Nidle in California during the 1980s, is an optimistic ufology religion that believes the earth is on the verge of cosmic transformation that will result in the creation of a new paradise on earth around the year 2012. Born in New York City in 1946, Nidle claims that he was visited by extraterrestrials from the Sirian planetary system shortly after his birth. Around the age of nine the contacts and communications increased as Nidle discovered that he was to lead a mission on Earth for the Galactic Federation of Planets, in order to prepare humankind and the Earth for the coming transformation as the Earth passes into the path of the cosmic “photon belt”—an area of outer space that has high energy properties similar to the plasma in the atmospheres of stars. While tremendous “earth changes” will likely occur, such as earthquakes, hurricanes, and other natural disasters, the photon belt immersion will help humans to rapidly achieve “full consciousness,” just in time for the mass landing of extraterrestrials from the “Galactic Federation.”